We invited Susan Ainley (also known as @broken_down_chevy on Instagram) to come and tell us a story of her experience living in downtown Winnipeg! She talked about how long she's been living in downtown, why she chose to rent, and the things she enjoy most living in downtown. Read More
Networking—a fancy term for a simple idea. Meet people, interact with them and build new relationships. We’re so used to networking through social media that the thought of physically interacting with people might sound a little bit alien. Read More
Setting aside the time to exercise can seem daunting. It leaves you sore, and there always seems to be a million other things you should be doing, but being active has tons of benefits—both physical and mental! I’m sure you’ve been told a hundred-and-one times that exercise is good for you, but has anyone told you why? Read More
Finding a new space to call home is an undertaking that can require serious time and energy. But apartment hunting can also be fun and exhilarating! With a bit of planning, you can avoid a headache and find a home you’re ready to commit to—at least until the lease is up. Read More