Houseplants should be an essential component of every interior design. A bit of greenery brightens up indoor spaces and has mood-boosting qualities. Sadly, many people don’t incorporate green friends into their homes because they just don’t know which plant to choose! Here are my recommendations for plants to fit every lifestyle.
The Serial Plant Killer
Is your green thumb more like a black thumb, causing every plant that enters your home to die an early death? I’ve heard it all: too much water, not enough water, too much light, not enough light. I get it; plants can be fickle beings.
But just because you’re not a green thumb doesn’t mean you can’t look like one! Here are my top picks for almost–indestructible plants.
Mother-in-Law’s Tongue
This plant is great for beginners and those who can’t seem to keep a plant alive. It loves being pot-bound and thrives on being ignored, making it the perfect plant for those who can’t bear to hold another plant funeral. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and give it a small amount once a week, and you are all set!

Devil’s Ivy
This droopy fella is one of my all-time favorite plants! Devil’s Ivy loves to roam and explore as it grows out of its pot and downwards, making it the perfect plant for an overhead piece. Keep it out of direct sunlight and it will survive happily with just a spritz of water whenever it looks a little droopy and dry.
The Globe-Trotter
Have you ever been mid-air, soaring over the Atlantic with a glass of red in one hand and the latest Cosmo in the other; happy, relaxed, not a care in the world; just ready for your next destination… when a thought slips into your mind? You gasp audibly, “Oh no – I didn’t water my fiddle-leaf fig tree! Stop the lane!”
No, just me?
The active traveller might think that house plants must be avoided, especially if you like being away for a week or more. By the time you’ll have returned, your precious plant will have been reduced to nothing but a clump of shriveled brown leaves. Whether you travel a lot for pleasure or work, you deserve to have the pleasure of coming home to a green, blossoming apartment. These plants can make it happen.
Jade Plant
A Jade plant requires a lot of sunlight to survive but leaving the soil dry is no biggie!
Jade plants only need to be watered every 2-3 weeks, so water this plant the night before you leave for a trip, leave it on a windowsill, and come home to a thriving plant!
Bunny Ears Cactus
Infrequent watering and direct sunlight are preferred for this prickly little guy. Similar to the Jade plant, the bunny ears cactus only needs to be watered every 2-3 weeks.

Green-thumb tip: If you are going to be leaving for an extended time, such as 3-5 weeks, and you can’t find a friend to water them for you, try a plant shower! The day before you leave, place your plants in the shower or a sink and let the water spray onto your greenery for about 20 to 30 minutes. Let the plant drain for about 3 hours before placing back in its home.
The Rise and Grinder
If your “9 to 5” is more like a “9 to ??”, I get that! However, that should not prevent you from having some vegetation to your crib. These plants don’t take a lot of work, while you’re at work.
Peace Lily
These plants are not only stunning but also low-maintenance. They only need low light, moderate temperatures, and moist soil.
If you’re coming home late and don’t want to have your hydro bill through the roof, look no further than the pothos plant! These bulbous fellows are a bit introverted, so they don’t mind being left in the dark. Water this houseplant every 10 days or so and watch it flourish.

The Forgetful Frank
I get it! Between work, a booming social life and a hundred other things to think about, houseplant upkeep can fall to the back of your mind. Here are my favorite houseplants that don’t mind being forgotten once in a while.
ZZ Plant
These stalky, green friends are like me after a long day at work – it just wants to be left alone! ZZ plants are as tough as nails, which means if you forget to water it for a few days don’t fret. These plants prefer to stay on the dry side, and only need moderate levels of sunlight. I recommend watering them every 8-11 days and adding diluted fertilizer once a month.
Air Plants
Much like the name suggests, these plants only need air to thrive. That’s right: they don’t even need soil. Just dunk them in water for about 2 hours every 10-14 days and you are good to go!
Green-thumb tip: If you constantly keep forgetting to water your plants, try having a set date and time every week where you take the time to water your plants. Set an alarm on your phone to help you remember until it becomes part of your routine.
The Aesthetic–Seeker
Even those without a green thumb can appreciate the beauty of houseplants. Finding house plants that are not only pleasing to the eye but also won’t stress you out with their upkeep is key! Whether you’re looking for nice greenery to add some outdoorsy elements to your home or just want a beautiful backdrop for some Instagram photos, these are my top picks.
These plants will grow tall and produce beautiful leaves. My croton tree is one of my favorite plants in my home (don’t tell the others)! I have had mine for almost three years, and in our time together it has grown to almost 3 feet tall. This plant adds so much personality to my home; the mix of green, yellow, orange and amber leaves is no less than radiant. Another major plus is that it doesn’t take much for these plants to stay thriving. Just prop it by a window and water every 10 days.
String of Pearls
This lengthy plant provides a unique focal point in a home, resembling a beaded necklace that sprawls itself across your living space. My string of pearls nested itself downwards on a bookshelf and adds an earthy feel to the room. These plants require very little care. Just place it somewhere where it can get at least a few hours of sunlight each day and water it thoroughly every other week.
Where to Shop
Now that you know what kind of plant is right for you, it’s time to go shopping!
This locally owned and sourced plant dealer is one of my go-to places. They carry an array of plants, as well as plant accessories and prices that cannot be matched! The staff are well-educated in all things greenery and are quick to help you find what you are looking for!

Hidden in the inner depths of Portage Place Mall, this shop is easy to miss. Freshcut is where I go when I’m looking for a nice floral arrangement, but they do offer some top-notch live plants. The service is always super helpful, and they carry a colorful arrangement of houseplants to choose from.
Don’t let past plant funerals hold you back. Plants add liveliness to any home, and there’s one for everyone!